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Assistant en immigration

  • Admission

    • Diplôme d'études secondaires ou l'équivalent*

    • Étudiant adulte**

    *D’un établissement d’enseignement de langue anglaise.

    **Avoir 19 ans au moment de commencer les cours et avoir réussi le test d’admission du collège.

  • Avantages de ce programme

    • Formation axée sur l’emploi
    • Stages en milieu professionnel pour obtenir une expérience de travail réelle et concrète
    • Profitez du service d’aide au placement du Collège CDI pour peaufiner votre CV et trouver un emploi

  • Possibilités d’emploi

    • Assistant administratif
    • Assistant juridique
    • Assistant juridique et administratif
    • Assistant juridique en immigration
    • Assistant au traitement des dossiers d'immigration
    • Assistant administratif
    • Assistant chargé des demandes d'immigration



Acquérez les compétences qui vous permettront d’aider les nouveaux arrivants à redémarrer leur vie au Canada. Grâce au programme d’Assistance en immigration du Collège CDI, vous pourrez développer les compétences pratiques et acquérir les connaissances juridiques nécessaires pour y arriver.


En moins d'un an, vous apprendrez tout ce que vous devez savoir pour pouvoir fournir le soutien juridique et administratif approprié au sein de cabinets d'avocats ou de consultants en immigration. Vos enseignants, expérimentés dans le domaine, s'assureront que vous maîtrisez les procédures de bureau, la méthodologie de la recherche juridique et le texte des lois et politiques canadiennes en matière d’immigration pour être en mesure d’entreprendre cette carrière des plus enrichissantes.


Ce programme est approuvé pour être offert dans les campus suivants. Veuillez contacter votre campus pour connaître les disponibilités.

  • Richmond
  • Surrey

Grâce au Collège CDI, aux stages et au bagage que j'ai accumulé durant la formation, j'ai pu trouver l'emploi idéal.

Daphnée V.
Inscrivez-vous maintenant

Cours du programme

  • Stratégies favorisant la réussite des étudiants [SSS4]

    • Durant ce cours, l’étudiant apprend à mieux se connaître par l’exploration de ses qualités personnelles, de ses compétences transférables ainsi que de divers styles d’apprentissage. Ce cours présente des techniques de gestion du temps, du stress et des conflits, et vise à encourager l’acquisition de compétences en communication interpersonnelle. Des techniques d’étude fondamentale et de motivation seront aussi abordées pour aider l’étudiant à exceller dans le programme de formation de son choix. L’étudiant rédige également un curriculum vitæ professionnel et apprend à écrire des lettres de présentation efficaces.

  • Applications informatiques professionnelles [BC2W]

    • Ce cours propose une introduction à l'utilisation d'un ordinateur sous environnement Windows et de la suite Microsoft Office (Word, Excel et PowerPoint). Il couvre les principes fondamentaux de l'organisation des fichiers et des dossiers, la rédaction de documents commerciaux, la création de présentations et la communication de données dans des feuilles de calcul. Les étudiants auront la possibilité de pratiquer les compétences nouvellement acquises dans le cadre de travaux liés à leur programme d'études. Ce cours s'appuie comprend des activités pratiques qui permettent de mieux comprendre les concepts en les pratiquant sur une base régulière.

  • General Legal Office Procedures & Documentation [LAA100]

    • In this module, students learn the day-to-day organization, management and procedures of a legal office. Latest developments in office technology are presented and applied practically as students draft standard legal documents such as agreements, statements of claim and defense, letters, and memos. Law office trust accounting concepts and procedures are also covered. In this module, students are also introduced to important skills such as timekeeping, filing, and the effective use of communication systems (telephone, fax, and e-mail). One of the most highly valued abilities of legal administrative assistants and paralegals is that of being able to prioritize, organize, and multitask workloads. Students learn these important skills in tandem with problem solving and critical thinking skills development. In this the program, students will use hands-on exercises and typing exercises as well as legal transcription to improve facility and speed with word processing and other computer functions.

  • Introduction to Canadian Immigration Law [IMA101]

    • This module introduces students to the Canadian immigration laws, rules, policies, and procedures that are enforced and developed through Canadian government agencies, courts, and tribunals. Students will be introduced to immigration concepts such as grounds for entry into Canada, inadmissibility, permanent residency, and refugee status. Citizenship will also be discussed in detail, including how to process a Citizenship application.

  • Administrative Tribunals [IMA102]

    • This module introduces students to the principles of administrative law in Canada and the tribunals that administer them. Students will be introduced to various administrative law concepts and will come to have a full understanding of tribunal processes. The various IRB application processes and duties will be explored and discussed in relation to the tasks applicable to the assistant.

  • Legal Research and Writing [IMA103]

    • This course is designed to give the students a clear overview of the skills required to perform legal research as an Immigration Assistant. Students will be introduced to various research concepts that include legal terminology, how to find the law and information related to it, and the sources used to perform the research. Emphasis will be placed on immigration statutes, regulations, and case law. Students will also be introduced to proper writing concepts in addition to presentation techniques for which they will be required to perform a presentation as part of the curriculum.

  • Ethics and Professional Conduct [IMA104]

    • The purpose of this course is to teach students the fundamentals and principles of ethics and professionalism in a Canadian legal environment with an emphasis on the rules and regulations specifying ethical conduct applicable to professionals assisting immigration lawyers, consultants and paralegals. Obligations around the use, collection and disclosure of personal information will be discussed. Students will gain an insight into the various codes of conduct, acts and legislation governing privacy and confidentiality at both the provincial and federal level.

  • Canadian Immigration Applications and Processes [IMA105]

    • During this course, students will explore the various aspects of refugee claims and other relevant processes involved in an immigration matter. Students will be exposed to humanitarian and compassionate applications while also exploring inadmissibility, permanent resident status, and how to complete application forms relating to inadmissibility under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. Students will also perform research on a daily basis and will be shown how to research cases.

  • Immigration Law Procedures [IMA106]

    • This course will introduce students to the applicable legislative and regulatory requirements that apply to the various applications, forms, and processes involved in assisting immigration lawyers, paralegals and immigration consultants in their practice. Students will explore temporary and permanent resident applications, family and economic classes and processes, provincial and territorial programs, and the processes involved for adopting children. Students will also research cases in each of the areas of immigration practice in order to gain a full comprehensive understanding of the various categories and classes of immigration.

  • Immigration Processes Capstone [IMA107]

    • This course is partly designed for the students to practice what they have learned throughout the entire immigration program. Students will apply their learned research skills, prepare submissions, and fill in various forms and applications. Additionally, students will learn how to properly interview clients, open their case files, and deal with the various required documentation and letters that are required to communicate with their clients and the various immigration departments. Labour Market Opinions and Labour Market Impact Assessments will also be discussed in detail.

  • Immigration Practicum (5 weeks) [IMA199]

    • This five-week practicum allows students to practise what they have learned in the program in real-life settings such as law firms, immigration practices or government immigration services. This time allows students to apply theory and skills learned while also observing professional in practice. This field placement will prepare students for their transition to the workforce. The practicum will be completed in a warehouse or distribution centre environment working under the supervision of experienced personnel. Students are provided with a description of duties he/she will perform on the job. At the end of the placement, the practicum host will provide an evaluation on the student and the student will provide the college with an evaluation on the placement. Students must meet all of the requirements prior to entering this practicum (see Work Experience Guide and your instructor for details.) It may also be necessary to have an interview with the host organization, as well as agree to the terms within the training plan, before being accepted at the site. Your instructor and Placement Coordinator will have met with you while classroom studies were still being delivered.

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